Thursday, May 12, 2016

The Martian: Movie Review



   The Martian, starring Matt Damon, directed by Ridley Scott is a great Movie from Book rendition of Andy Weir's New York Times #1 Best Seller novel, written in 2015. And that has to mean something. Most book to movie films don't get the point or story off very well. But this is a very good example of an exception to that curse. The beginning to the movie isn't too long to get the point across of him being stranded, and lays the movie and its plot out very nicely, and doesn't give much room for continuity errors. Although not every part of the movie is Scientifically possible, it does prove to be interesting, ie. The Dust storm that causes the team to leave Watney behind on the desolate planet that is our sister planet Mars. When certain events that could end up in catastrophe happen, you are stuck on the edge of your seat wondering what will happen next, waiting to see what Watney or the people in Houston will do next. Events including the depressurization chamber malfunction, causing the side of the HAB to be blown out, taking out many of his potato crops. 
Even with all the circumstances taken into consideration, Watney still keeps a humorous spirit to the movie. When his Potato crops start to grow, he proceeds to say "They say once you grow crops somewhere, you have officially colonized it. So, technically, I colonized Mars. In your face, Neil Armstrong!" Or another one of my personal favourites, "I don't want to come off as arrogant, but I'm the greatest botanist on this planet."
  What makes the movie particularly good, is when you get to watch scenes that keep you wondering and foreshadowing. You always wonder what the next move is going to be, or what the next unfortunate event is going to be. You predict whether he will get off the planet or not, the entire film. Things like that are what keep me enjoying, and interested in the movie.

All in all, I think I would give The Martian (2015) a really good 8/10. 
   The humorous, yet serious nature of the film  proves to be a good mixture for a well thought out entertaining movie. Although there are some scientific issues in the movie, it didn't make it too bad. Still really enjoyable. 

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