Friday, May 20, 2016

GJ - Day 2 - Tutorial

Setting up a basic colony in Planet Side is relatively Easy. You start by placing the basic components.
The very basic being an Airlock, an energy source and energy container. And a biodome to grow your food. You must  connect all these biodomes that the colonists need access to, to the same oxygen array that way they get access to the Oxygen. But you also need an Oxygen generator.
You need an energy source(s) which can be a windmill and a Solar Panel. At least one of each.

The difference between the Tutorial and the Walkthrough Video, the walkthrough video, the guy was just building the things you need to build without an in-depth explanation as to why. While the tutorial, it showed you what you need to build, and gave you reasons and an explanation as to why you need to build it. Keeping it relatively simple. It seems simple enough, as long as I keep my resources in check, and don't get careless with conserving my resources, I should be fine. 
Here you can see all of the basic structures. A mine to get bioplastic and Ore. A landing pad to get trading ships and Colonist Ships. My energy sources, and an energy storage container. That way, if I have no wind or sun, then the energy in the container will be distributed. I have my biodome, my canteen so people can eat, drink, watch TV, and make their food. A dorm so My colonists can Sleep. A Health bay, so medics can heal people when they get hurt, a processing plant to process raw materials into usable materials. 

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