Wednesday, March 30, 2016

My Spring Break 2016

My Spring break wasn't that eventful. I pretty much relaxed the entire time, spent about 80% of my time in my bed. Ya' know, staying up until 4am playing video games, and staying in bed until 5pm trying to bring yourself to get out of bed. That sort of thing. So that was nice, no needs to wake up for anything. But I did go to this party one night, and that was pretty cool, a lot of stuff happened. I got to watch some people do a "Bro Scrap". A "Bro Scrap" is basically a fight for fun, full contact, no hard feelings, and you are still friends at the end of it. But other than that, it was exactly how I described it. Probably gained some undesirable weight that I am going to have to work off in the coming days and replace with the more desirable weight. But my spring break was pretty calm. I didn't go on any neat adventures or car rides, just pure Zen and Relaxation. Doing whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted to. Also taught my dog some new tricks, but that is about it. 

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