Friday, May 27, 2016

GJ - Day 5

On the second day, I made sure I did everything I didn't do properly on my last experience, I had everything built by the second day, I even changed landing permissions, and I was positive that I was going to succeed this time. I build a bigger windmill, and a bigger solar panel, and a bigger storage container so I didn't have to worry about power for a little while. Which actually was the right choice to make in the long run. I also learned that resources can decay when left outside, so I made a storage unit as well. 

I built another windmill, because wind started slowing down, and I needed to not run out of power through the night. I had a medbay too, which was a first, and I started getting more colonists to do more work, which was good.  I built a control panel so I can eventually get a telescope. 

I build my telescope, and an antenna so I could attract more ships to me for more colonists. It did end up working, but they consumed a lot of power through the night, which I only realized when it was too late. 

You can see quite the improvement from my last attempts at this game, even the colonists were going up.

As you can see, I started disabling certain domes, and stations because of the power they consumed, and I started running out of food. All of my colonists except for one died of starvation, which was because of my wrong doing, and making the landing permissions wrong. I could have made it so the right people would come more often, but I didn't, I made the wrong people. 

Well, this game did prove to be a very challenging game for the likes of me. And honestly, because I didn't get to were I would have liked to, so I might play it on my own time to see if I can beat it on my own. Because I would like to finish it. 

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