Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker HD Review


The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker HD is yet another installment of the Legend of Zelda, and my all-time favourite Game franchise, directed by Eiji Aonouma,  and Created and Produced by Shigeru Miyamoto, who you may know created many different star video game founders like Mario, Zelda, and Donkey kong just to name a few. This one single game is my favourite installment in the franchise. The sound design composed by video game musician legend Koji Kondo is widely recognized as some of the best video game music in history. The art style was originally frowned upon in the original showing way back in 2002, but as luck would have it, it quickly became one of the most praised Zelda Titles. The art style literally doesn't show its age and appeals to most age groups regardless of its "cartoony" aesthetics. The introduction sequence isn't too long like most of the new Zelda games are, the plot is addictive. Having to sail across the vast water filled world was fun and adventurous at first (in homage to the original game released in 1986) but quickly became very tedious and boring. And the fast travel could have been better. But this was much better in the HD remaster where you were able to obtain the Swift sail which made sailing over 2x faster than normal speeds, and you didn't have to stop to switch the wind's direction every time you needed to turn. 
In the plot, your sister is Mistaken as a different gold haired pointy-eared girl whom the Dark Lord Ganondorf was trying to kidnap to find the Princess Zelda who held another piece of the triforce which Ganondorf was trying to seize. Then you must traverse the vast water world, emerging triumphant from the first 3 dungeons and obtaining the Master Sword. But the Master sword was incomplete, at least until you defeated the  Temples and restored the power to the sword. 
This plot was really good, but it had a specific lacking of dungeons. I wish they put in maybe 2 more temples, then I would have been completely satisfied with the game. And the first three dungeons, I think they are just too short/easy. The first 3 dungeons can actually be completed in just a few hours, and that is without glitches. Although they are fun, they are just too easy. With too much hand holding and just not very complicated puzzles. 
One of the major upgrades from the original that the HD version incorporated was a higher definition and a slight model upgrade that they couldn't have on the Gamecube because of power limitations. 
The story is probably my favourite aspect of the game. I played the game when I was just learning to read and it assisted me in learning to read English, and for that it gets nostalgia points, and the story is just memorable in general. I have played this game a total of 3 times, and I have 100% the game twice, and I can still go back and enjoy the game immensely. The Game mechanics are easy to use, and I don't have too many gripes with them. My only real issue is I wish that the camera controls were a bit better. There is a lot of places where the camera is blocked where it shouldn't, but it didn't bother me too much. And the Wind Waker function is a nice recall to the ocarina in Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, and is easy to use. I just wish some of the songs were a bit more useful. This game is full of fun sidequests, that aren't too extremely difficult to do, but they have little reward other than bragging rights. 

I would rate this game 9.5/10
The lack of difficult dungeons and puzzles did affect the score, but the pros far outweigh'd the cons. Things like little completion reward tedious parts of the game took a toll on the score, but not too badly. 

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