Tuesday, February 9, 2016

My Thoughts on the Future

At our current rate, I think the future for the earth as a whole is grim. With many problems in society and other regions on the Earth like overpopulation, it will be soon that we will absolutely have to relocate to a different planet. That is  unless we can do something about our future. 
"The Future is not Written" -Lucina
With various problems, like overpopulation in different countries and regions, they will be stuck in an endless cycle of poverty unless we perfectly act and disable the cycle by removing a vital step in the cycle. and I believe that first step is to eliminate the lack of access to clean water and food. Which if done right, will make it so people don't feel the need to have to have many children so as many of them stay alive as possible. 
Once we fix the food and water problem, the rest will fix itself overtime if people have any knowledge. They will become less hungry, and cleaner, less people with malnutrition, which decreases death rates and disease count. Which will make it so more people can work, and be like farmers. Which will incline the currently declining economy. That raises personal income, then the government will get an increase in income taxes, so the government can build infrastructure and more housing for people with now stable families. Which is a good and happy country, now that everything is fixed. 
But of course, in our current state, it is much easier in theory. People are dumb... There is no way to sugar coat it, we have a real issue, and with a real issue, should come real, blunt causes. People in these regions affected by overpopulation are the cause of all the problems, and won't trust anyone that is going to try to help. They will keep having many children because they believe they need to in order to thrive, but that is because they lack an education to think otherwise. Which will also be fixed, but only if they cooperate. 
So at our current state, we are looking at a picture like this.
As much as it hurts me to say it, but this picture I found online is 100% correct. This is our future, and if you can't deal with it, then you should do something to help fix it. My idea of fixing it, is a little bit outlandish, and is kind of what authors write about in teen novels and kind of what defines a dictator, but I do not see it as a dictatorship at all. 
My idea is to decrease our standard of living, only slightly. I am not saying to stop cleaning ourselves everyday, but I am not necessarily saying don't limit water usage either. And the rates at which we eat, is way too high. With all these delicacies and other foods that require a lot of food, should be limited on production. And bottled water should not be sold in north america, it should be sold in places like Congo. Instead, we should all donate money food and water to these countries. But you can't stop there, these countries' governments are corrupt, and not very educated, and won't know what they should do. So some leaders and political members of other countries should take control of these countries and help develop them to be thriving countries. Build water towers, help get land developed for commercial farms to make clean food and water more accessible to them. Then they will realize that they won't need to have many children. With these farms, comes the need of workers, which will be paid money, and then fixes the whole cycle of poverty issue. And then they will be able to give the children the education that they need in order to run their own government. So what I think is, is that instead of running for president, or prime minister or something, you can have the option of running for the president or prime minister of these countries. And then take charge, and do everything I said. 
Of course because I have little knowledge of economics and politics of other countries, this will be in need of fixes that will make it more plausible in the near future. Once overpopulation is fixed, we can stop pollution in the ocean in these areas, and it will make it much easier to solve another issue, the decreased quality of the atmosphere. But I won't address that issue in this blog post. 
Here is a video that I think would be good to watch to get a decent understanding of overpopulation. 

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