Sunday, February 21, 2016

Final Destination: HOME!

We finally arrive home. I honestly would go home, gorge myself in food, then sleep for like, 15 hours from that car trip and exhausting trip. The next day I would visit my family and friends to show them pictures and stories of the trip then I don't know what I would do after that, haha. Probably just get back to my normal life. 
A full detailed document of my trip, including budget, times and distances can be found here.

12th Stop, Sleep Stop: Deer Lodge, Montana, USA

As per usual, the sleep stops aren't too interesting. We go there and sleep. We are only stopping here to sleep because after this, the olast part of the trip is the trip back home. It will be kind of longer than our other trips, so we should sleep to prepare for it so we can make it without crashing due to exhaustion,

11th Stop: Minneapolis, MN, USA

In Minneapolis, we are only really stopping here because we can stop here to sleep and eat and get accomodation. But that doesn't mean we can't sight see a little bit. In Minneapolis, It has relatively nice looking infrastructure that would be interesting to look at, but nonetheless, we would still enjoy ourselves. 
Then as usual, sleep for 8 hours to prepare ourselves for the upcoming road trip home.

10th Stop: Times Square, Manhattan, USA

Finally, we arrive in Times Square. Our last destination before we head home. Here we will eat food, and go on a little tour around. 
I don't know of any full tourism spots, but that just means we will just have to cross that bridge when we get to it. I am sure it can't be that hard to find a place in there to look at, all i really want is a place to get a good look at the city skyline at dusk. THen sleep for 8 hours in a hotel most likely because we probably won't be able to find a spot for our motorhome. 

9th Stop, Sleep Stop: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Getting closer to Times Square in Manhattan, we arrive in New Orleans. But only for a sleep stop. I don't plan on looking at anything like the Mississippi, or Gulf of mexico, just because they aren't too magnificent in my honest opinion. So we will just sleep for 8 hours then leave after the driver wakes up. Of course we will get some food first. 

8th Stop: Tampico, Tamaulipas, Mexico

In Tampico, Tamaulipas, we plan to look at the mountainous scenery here, and eat some authentic mexican food! Then once we are done our business with that, we will just find a hotel to take a break from the kind of tight motorhomo. Just find one, sleep in it, then leave to our next stop.

7th Stop, Sleep Stop: Parque Nacional Cerro Azul Meambar, Honduras

I wish we could stay here longer, but being on a tight schedule of our travel plan, it would be very hard to fit it in. But we could maybe sight see for an hour, depending on our current situation. But it is unlikely. It has a nice mountainous scenery that we would be sleeping in our motorhome in. We would just find an RV park then just stay there for 9 hours. 
Regardless, we will sleep here, then be on our merry way to Tampico, Tamaulipas, Mexico.

6th Stop: La Concepcion, Panama

Here in La Concepcion, Panama, we will venture around for an hour or so, then go to sleep for 8 hours. I don't know of any landmarks in La Concepcion, but that won't stop me from looking around at the various structures and different food places. and eating some food. 
Once that is over and done, we will sleep for 8 hours and then depart for our next stop: Parque Nacional Cerro Azul Meambar. 

5th Stop: Panama City, Panama

Here, in Panama, is our last destination before we depart for Times Square in manhattan. Here, for an hour, we will eat food, (hopefully some kind of exotic food) and then see the sights like the world famous Panama Canal and also the Plaza De La Cathedral. Once again, strictly not for religious reasons, but tourism reasons.
Incase you didn't know (how could you not know!?!) the Panama Canal is a small split in the two continents meant for ships to pass through. It was originally constructed because it was too dangerous to pass through the bottom of south america, so this was made to make it easier. 
After we do all that, we will find a place to park our motorhome and sleep for 8 hours.

4th Stop, Sleep Stop: San Pedro Sula, Honduras

Our only objective here is to sleep for a nice 8 hours to be refreshed for the next part of the trip. So there isn't much to write here.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

3rd Stop, Mexico City, Federal District, Mexico

We will visit here, the place I really want to visit is the Templo Mayor. 
As you can see, there isn't much there. That is because the Pyramid is no longer there. Though it would still be cool to see the historical landmark that is used to be. Here is what it used to look like:
It would have been magnificent to see, and even more so if I could have scaled it.After viewing around here for an hour, we will have to leave in 8 hours. So we can either have one person go to sleep to drive for us, or we all go to sleep because the driver won't be able to drive with that level of exhaustion after that.

2nd Stop, Sleep Stop: Sacramento, Chihuahua, Mexico

Seems how Sacramento is right in the pathway of our journey, I think I will just stay anywhere we can in Sacramento, Chihuahua, Mexico. Just for an 8 hour sleep stop. 
Stay here for 8 hours or so, just to sleep. Besides, there isn't too much scenery here to look at for very long. That is why it is basically a perfect place for a sleep stop. 
If we have to pay for a parking spot, so be it, we all have some money to pay for it.

1st Stop: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

When I am to visit Salt Lake city, I think the first thing we would go see is the Temple Square. Although I am not religious, nor are my friends that I am taking, I believe it is neat to see those kind of things, it is basically a castle. 
Now, we only have 1 hour to spare before we go to sleep for 2 hours, then we must shove off. So we will look around that, and depending on how long that would take, we might visit the Tabernacle in the same area. 

Then go sleep for about 8 hours in our motor home in a local trailer park or something like that. Then, in the morning, we will go on our merry way.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

My Dream Vacation

My dream getaway is a very simple, yet very gorgeous one. I hope to one day travel to Santorini, Greece. 
The combination of beautiful weather, and extraordinarily designed buildings, I think Santorini is one of the most beautiful places on earth. The weather here is great, day and night and would make sure of  an outstanding experience. 
The cliff side buildings make for a wonderful view from the location you are staying and warm waters will make swimming anytime of the day possible, and fun, no matter what. And provides a good location for luxury cruise ships to travel through. 

Greece is home to some exotic foods and delicacies that could not be experience anywhere else in the world. At least as authentic and genuine tasting as it would be here.  The resort's there are considered one of the best in the world, and it holds true to that worldwide consideration. If I travel to Santorini one day, and believe me, I have plans to, I will do as much as I can to make my experience the best I possibly can, regardless of unexpected events that occur during the time. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

My Future

I am very excited for my future. After I graduate from secondary school, I will take a year off of school so I can start saving money from a job so I will have to take as little student loans as possible. My plan is to do what I can to not take student loans so I don't go into debt and live a stress free life. But I can imagine that is much, much easier said than done. I am almost positive something will happen and I will not have it that easy. Regardless, My plan is to spend as little money as possible, and save as much as possible that way I can just go through University with no problems. I am going to go to university and take classes on Computer Hardware Engineering, get my master's in that, then maybe get a bachelor's in electrical engineering, just so that they compliment each other. 

My plan is to be able to work at Google as a Hardware Engineer. The whole concept of engineering seems so fun to me, and it will make for a great, and fun future for me. Working at Google as a Hardware Engineer, I would be researching and designing new computer systems that run the largest computer Infrastructure in the world. Making it run faster and faster and better too. 

To get my master's, I will first get my bachelor's after 4 years at UVic, then get my master's after I think another 4 years. Then I will take. But once I have my bachelor's, I am sure I will be able to get a job in the field, that way I have experience when I go to Google. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

My Thoughts on the Future

At our current rate, I think the future for the earth as a whole is grim. With many problems in society and other regions on the Earth like overpopulation, it will be soon that we will absolutely have to relocate to a different planet. That is  unless we can do something about our future. 
"The Future is not Written" -Lucina
With various problems, like overpopulation in different countries and regions, they will be stuck in an endless cycle of poverty unless we perfectly act and disable the cycle by removing a vital step in the cycle. and I believe that first step is to eliminate the lack of access to clean water and food. Which if done right, will make it so people don't feel the need to have to have many children so as many of them stay alive as possible. 
Once we fix the food and water problem, the rest will fix itself overtime if people have any knowledge. They will become less hungry, and cleaner, less people with malnutrition, which decreases death rates and disease count. Which will make it so more people can work, and be like farmers. Which will incline the currently declining economy. That raises personal income, then the government will get an increase in income taxes, so the government can build infrastructure and more housing for people with now stable families. Which is a good and happy country, now that everything is fixed. 
But of course, in our current state, it is much easier in theory. People are dumb... There is no way to sugar coat it, we have a real issue, and with a real issue, should come real, blunt causes. People in these regions affected by overpopulation are the cause of all the problems, and won't trust anyone that is going to try to help. They will keep having many children because they believe they need to in order to thrive, but that is because they lack an education to think otherwise. Which will also be fixed, but only if they cooperate. 
So at our current state, we are looking at a picture like this.
As much as it hurts me to say it, but this picture I found online is 100% correct. This is our future, and if you can't deal with it, then you should do something to help fix it. My idea of fixing it, is a little bit outlandish, and is kind of what authors write about in teen novels and kind of what defines a dictator, but I do not see it as a dictatorship at all. 
My idea is to decrease our standard of living, only slightly. I am not saying to stop cleaning ourselves everyday, but I am not necessarily saying don't limit water usage either. And the rates at which we eat, is way too high. With all these delicacies and other foods that require a lot of food, should be limited on production. And bottled water should not be sold in north america, it should be sold in places like Congo. Instead, we should all donate money food and water to these countries. But you can't stop there, these countries' governments are corrupt, and not very educated, and won't know what they should do. So some leaders and political members of other countries should take control of these countries and help develop them to be thriving countries. Build water towers, help get land developed for commercial farms to make clean food and water more accessible to them. Then they will realize that they won't need to have many children. With these farms, comes the need of workers, which will be paid money, and then fixes the whole cycle of poverty issue. And then they will be able to give the children the education that they need in order to run their own government. So what I think is, is that instead of running for president, or prime minister or something, you can have the option of running for the president or prime minister of these countries. And then take charge, and do everything I said. 
Of course because I have little knowledge of economics and politics of other countries, this will be in need of fixes that will make it more plausible in the near future. Once overpopulation is fixed, we can stop pollution in the ocean in these areas, and it will make it much easier to solve another issue, the decreased quality of the atmosphere. But I won't address that issue in this blog post. 
Here is a video that I think would be good to watch to get a decent understanding of overpopulation. 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker HD Review


The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker HD is yet another installment of the Legend of Zelda, and my all-time favourite Game franchise, directed by Eiji Aonouma,  and Created and Produced by Shigeru Miyamoto, who you may know created many different star video game founders like Mario, Zelda, and Donkey kong just to name a few. This one single game is my favourite installment in the franchise. The sound design composed by video game musician legend Koji Kondo is widely recognized as some of the best video game music in history. The art style was originally frowned upon in the original showing way back in 2002, but as luck would have it, it quickly became one of the most praised Zelda Titles. The art style literally doesn't show its age and appeals to most age groups regardless of its "cartoony" aesthetics. The introduction sequence isn't too long like most of the new Zelda games are, the plot is addictive. Having to sail across the vast water filled world was fun and adventurous at first (in homage to the original game released in 1986) but quickly became very tedious and boring. And the fast travel could have been better. But this was much better in the HD remaster where you were able to obtain the Swift sail which made sailing over 2x faster than normal speeds, and you didn't have to stop to switch the wind's direction every time you needed to turn. 
In the plot, your sister is Mistaken as a different gold haired pointy-eared girl whom the Dark Lord Ganondorf was trying to kidnap to find the Princess Zelda who held another piece of the triforce which Ganondorf was trying to seize. Then you must traverse the vast water world, emerging triumphant from the first 3 dungeons and obtaining the Master Sword. But the Master sword was incomplete, at least until you defeated the  Temples and restored the power to the sword. 
This plot was really good, but it had a specific lacking of dungeons. I wish they put in maybe 2 more temples, then I would have been completely satisfied with the game. And the first three dungeons, I think they are just too short/easy. The first 3 dungeons can actually be completed in just a few hours, and that is without glitches. Although they are fun, they are just too easy. With too much hand holding and just not very complicated puzzles. 
One of the major upgrades from the original that the HD version incorporated was a higher definition and a slight model upgrade that they couldn't have on the Gamecube because of power limitations. 
The story is probably my favourite aspect of the game. I played the game when I was just learning to read and it assisted me in learning to read English, and for that it gets nostalgia points, and the story is just memorable in general. I have played this game a total of 3 times, and I have 100% the game twice, and I can still go back and enjoy the game immensely. The Game mechanics are easy to use, and I don't have too many gripes with them. My only real issue is I wish that the camera controls were a bit better. There is a lot of places where the camera is blocked where it shouldn't, but it didn't bother me too much. And the Wind Waker function is a nice recall to the ocarina in Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, and is easy to use. I just wish some of the songs were a bit more useful. This game is full of fun sidequests, that aren't too extremely difficult to do, but they have little reward other than bragging rights. 

I would rate this game 9.5/10
The lack of difficult dungeons and puzzles did affect the score, but the pros far outweigh'd the cons. Things like little completion reward tedious parts of the game took a toll on the score, but not too badly. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Super Smash Bros for Wii U Review


Masahiro Sakurai, Creator and Director of the Smash Bros released the newest Smash Bros game for the Wii U on November 21st 2014 in North America, and to many of the fans excitement, it was full of content. The amount of unlockables and replay value is immense. Version 1.0 of the game had a total of 51 characters including the mii fighters. With 8 of the characters having to be unlocked by a set criteria. The characters were too easy to unlock, and the total of 8 unlockable characters is not very much. One of the main gratification feelings in smash bros is unlocking characters, which is not as great an effect as it was in past games. I was able to unlock all the characters in a matter of just a few hours. Or you could just play 100 games total to unlock all character, which just is not very much. This can be done in less than an hour if done correctly, which I think should not be that easy to unlock all the characters. 
There is a total of 144 challenges in smash for wii u, providing years of replay value for the average gamer. These challenges can be very difficult. Like unlocking characters, they can only be done under a set criteria, like unlocking all the stages, or getting a certain trophy. The hardest one for me being to complete classsic mode on 9.0 (the hardest difficulty) without losing any lives. That is one of 5 challenges I have not completed, and I could not be more satisfied with my experience with these challenges. 
And with over 700 trophies to unlock, the game is literally filled to the brim with content. And as of February 3rd, you can even buy a total of 7 DLC characters, filling the game to a total of an astonishing 58 characters! Although some of these characters are clone characters, meaning they are more or less the exact same as another character in the roster, they do add more variety to the gameplay.  With many different modes to play on like Classic mode on 1 or 2 player, online modes, and even an 8-player smash, a series first! and many others to add more and more replay value to the game for a completionist like myself. This game can be played at a serious, competitive level, or at a casual, party level. I personally play this game at both levels, depending on my mood, but predominantly a competitive level. The game has amazing picture quality, and very vibrant beautiful colours and gorgeous character models. Props to the animating and modeling team. 
I would give this game a nice sized 9.2/10.
The game got subtractions for a few reasons. The characters were just too easy to unlock, and so were the stages. Online features could be better, and because it is not smash bros melee's engine.... I am joking bout that last one, the engine actually is a perfect mix of Brawl's physics engine, and Melee's physics engine. This game also would have gotten a better score if there was a local tourney mode, and not the broken online tourney mode. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Star Wars the Force Awakens Review



The newest addition to the Star Wars Saga, episode VII The Force Awakens directed by J.J. Abrams is a piece of art. Of course it has its flaws like any other movie. The movie Is far too similar to episode IV, A New Hope. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, nor is it a good thing. Many people were hoping for a brand new story like no other, but it does complement the original trilogy well. Kylo Ren is the main antagonist of this movie, and his main goal is to "Finish What [Darth Vader] Started" and he does so to an extent. Basically until the star killer space station is destroyed. Which is one of the main reasons it is too similar to episode IV. The good guys are established, bad guys are established, then the plot is established and accomplished. Which as a formula is very good, but it could have been executed much better. But the cinematography was executed excellently. The shots and special effects are a perfect mix of CGI and real world effects. 
The return of ex-protagonists Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and Now General Leia (Carrie Fisher) and even Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) provides much fan service and great plot structure. There are many other easter eggs pointing to the previous films which I think work great in the plot of this movie. Along with new characters Rey, and Finn (Daisy Ridley and John Boyega respectively) are a perfect mix of main protagonists for the new film. Now let me address the elephant in the room, the Death of Han Solo. There are very many mixed feelings about this event, but it is for the greater good of the plot. He is killed by his son, Ben Solo, better known as Kylo Ren, a knight of Ren. Although it saddened many hardcore fans of Solo and starwars in general, it paves a straight path towards an outstanding plot. 
You never get bored when watching this movie, whether or not you are a star wars fan. The action sequences were lined up with perfection and would always keep you on the edge of your seat. 

The movie is excellent, it is a movie I would watch many more times to come. So much that in fact that after watching the force awakens, I went home re-watched the previous films in chronological order and then went back to the theater and re watched the Force Awakens just because I wanted to. 

I would rate this movie a solid 8.5/10
The movie was excellent but I believe the  cons of character like Luke, and Captain Phasma getting little screen time affected the overall rating and the similarity to episode IV.