Monday, March 7, 2016

Flash Story: My Weird Dream

Zack Nordell
My Weird Dream

For my flash story, I decided I am going to write about what I believe to be one of my more screwed up dreams I had while sleeping.  Enjoy….

My dream started off with me getting dropped off into what looked like the entrance to the Abbotsford flea market. I walk in, and all of a sudden, the entire road became dirt, and there were these children jumping off of a bridge into water to the left. So, me having experience of jumping off of bridges into water, I decided to join them. So I go to them after changing into swimming gear. I ask the leader of the bunch who looked a lot like Chunk from the movie called “The Goonies”
I asked him if there is a certain area I need to jump so I don’t hurt myself. He point to the close-left corner of the small body of water and said “You need to jump there, that way you don’t land in the piles of dirty needles, razors, and thorn bushes.” And I promptly replied with “ARE YOU GUYS CRAZY?” and then another child who looked like Cole Sprouse from “The Suite Life of Zack and Cody” replied with “CRAZY FUN”
Then he said, “don’t be a wimp!” And I wasn’t about to let my pride be hurt like that, so of course, I jumped. I landed in the right spot, but as I submerged under the water, I opened my eyes to see that the water was absolutely FILLED with dirty needles, razors, and some thorn bushes with some wilted roses on them. I rose up and said “You guys weren’t kidding about this whole thing being filled with needles and what not!” And then the guy that looked like Chunk said, “Well what did you expect? This is a Biohazard waste dump after all!” And then I just said “Oooooh!” (I have no clue why I didn’t get mad like I did the first time they told me about the needles” Then I asked how to get out, then he just pointed to the other end, and said “You just gotta swim through everything, man!” And so I did. The thing is, on my way out, I happened to swim through a bunch of needles and when I got out of the water, one needle was sticking out of my leg, and it looked like stimpak from the Fallout Series. I just removed it and started walking along the piping on the side of the body of water. I noticed a snake coming our way, and it had to be at least 30 feet long. But it looked like a boa constrictor so I got confused on the length, but still warned the others of the dangerous situation. They proceeded to run away and lock me in the area with the snake in it, in an attempt to keep the snake away from everybody else. The snake started coming after me, but I was able to put my parkour skills to the test and get out by climbing and jumping over various walls. I started running away and noticed the snake was hot on my trail, so I ran into the nearest structure which was the lower level of the willowbrook mall. I ran through the mall to get to my mom’s vehicle, and she told me to go back in to find my siblings. So I find 2 out of the 3 that I needed to find, and as I was looking for the third, I find this HUGE theater, and in that theater was my friend Liam, with a Sloppy Joe in one hand, and a Polish Dog in the other with his mouth full of food. He swallowed his food and said to me “You want a Sloppy Joe or a Polish Dog?” And I thought to myself “Well I do have to look for my brother Hunter, but I do like Sloppy Joes more than Hunter…” Then I decided to stay and eat a Sloppy Joe. Me and Liam decided to play some Super Smash Brothers for the Wii U as we ate,  and I asked him why he is the only one in the Theater. He replied with “Because my Dad owns the Mall and we live in it.” And I turn around to see his dad in the projector room searching up a movie to watch. And his dad looks like this guy named Dan Avidan.
And then I see his dog which is just a 90lb Beagle with heart problems. And I start to leave because I don’t want my mom to get worried, but as I leave, these goth looking people come in with the snake following them. I run back and sit in the theater beside Liam to see if they won’t notice me, but they sit down right behind us. They start to talk to me and try to convince me the snake is actually really friendly, and just wants somebody to give him a high five. But people keep running away from fear the snake will kill them because the snake can’t tell them otherwise because snakes can’t talk. The snake then nods as if to agree with him. So I reach out to give the snake a high five, and he gave me a high five. Then All of a sudden, hundreds of people came into the room congratulating me for high fiving the snake, and we all played Super Smash Bros for the Wii U for hours on end.

The, End. I hoped you had a laugh or two.

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