Wednesday, June 8, 2016


The two Careers I want to do most, is Computer Software Engineering, and Computer Hardware Engineering. The education needed for either of these isn't too much.  At least for software engineering. For Software Engineering, you only need a bachelor's in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or a related field, but some companies may prefer you have a masters. For Hardware engineering, it is a little bit different. For entry level, you need a bachelor's in Computer Science, or Hardware engineering. You need  a Master's for Advancement, and a Doctoral for Research positions, be it Ph.D or Eng.D (I think I would strive for Eng.D).

Schools that Offer these Programs.

  1. BCIT 
  2. UBC
  3. UFV
  4. UVic
  5. SFU
  6. CAPU
  7. UAlberta
  8. UToronto
  9. U California
  10. MIT
There is a difference between a Job and a Career. A job is generally short term, only used to get money, ultimately helping you get a career. A Career is a long term pursuit of a lifelong ambition. Usually whatever you have a passion for will become your career, whether or not it pays more than a job. The two most likely candidates that I want to work for for either of my careers, is either Microsoft, or maybe even google. My career is very important because it will help evolve the technological infrastructures, and other technological advancements. Like finding a different way to use fuel so we can veer away from fossil fuels. There is a need in my career. The Job outlook for computer Hardware Engineering is even expected to increase by 7% in between 2012, and 2022.

The Median pay for Software Engineers is &78084 USD. While Hardware Engineering is $140250 USD. 

The First thing I would buy, is probably a way to better my education. I don't know why, but I just want my education to be the best it can be. 

Using this tool, I was able to calculate my living costs. 

If I were to work for Microsoft, I would live in Seattle, with a living cost of approximately $6023 USD a month. I could also live there if I were to work at the Google Seattle Location. And that would be enough to live there, I think. That would be more than enough money to suit my lifestyle, I think. Most of the stuff I want would be easily attainable, and have no plans of living in a humongous house, so I should be fine.

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