Thursday, June 16, 2016

Mars One

The Mars One project has many Astronaut requirements, some of which I think I meet, and others which I do not.

  1. Resiliency
In terms of the Resiliency, I think I meet these requirements very well. My thought processing is very persistent, and always thinking ahead and outcomes of different events. I will persevere through anything, and will do my very best to be productive at a constant rate. And when a situation is at its worst, I always think the best I can to make the situation much better. And I will be able to trust anyone who will be there with me, will have the same skill set, if not better than me, so I have no reason to not trust them. I feel as if I can't be taken down into a lower, more unproductive mindset, which is really good, and always keep my positivity, so I can always help my team progress.
     2. Adaptability

I know for a fact, that my adaptability is the best it can currently be. Playing a game called Super Smash bros, you always have to adapt to different situation, and styles of play. Which can be applicable in very, very many different real life situations which require adaptability.

    3. Curiosity

I am a very curious person. I always wan to know more, if there is something I don't yet understand, I will make time to learn what it is I don't understand, and I will learn to understand it.

    4. Ability to Trust

I know I can trust my own skills, I am very confident in what I know I can and cannot do. After all, I would be up there for a reason. And I think I will be able to trust the others, because if they were able to be up there with me, that means we should be capable of a mutual trust relationship.

   5. Creativity/Resourcefulness

This is where I believe some of my issues occur. I am flexible with solving issues, but I am not the very best at approaching how to solve an issue. If somebody else kind of starts me down a line, then I will follow it until the end, but starting without help is my issue. I do have e very good sense of humour, but I think that sometimes my positive nature will kind of over ride my sense of when the time is appropriate or not, and I will make jokes or something at an inappropriate time.

Medical and Physical Requirements

This category right here, is why I would not be legible for this. Everything is fine, and meets the requirements, except for my sight. My right eye is 20/20, but my left eye is a lazy eye, so it is basically 20/200, and cannot be corrected. Basically, for my left eye, if you can read something perfectly at 200 feet, I can read that same thing, but from only 20 feet away.

I meet the requirements for country of origin and language spoken, but that is a given, seems how I do speak english, and english is one of the most spoken languages in the world.

Monday, June 13, 2016

We're Back!

I would recast all the dinosaurs From Jurassic Park as animated dinosaurs from movies like "We're Back! A Dinosaur Story" and "The Land Before Time" because I think it would be much better. I think with the removed realism, it would be more kid friendly, thus lowering the rating making it easier for all audiences to watch. 
Here you can see the iconic screen from the First Jurassic Park movie, but much better. It now includes Rex instead of the T-Rex that was originally there. I think this would be a much better version of the movies we all love and cherish. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


The two Careers I want to do most, is Computer Software Engineering, and Computer Hardware Engineering. The education needed for either of these isn't too much.  At least for software engineering. For Software Engineering, you only need a bachelor's in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or a related field, but some companies may prefer you have a masters. For Hardware engineering, it is a little bit different. For entry level, you need a bachelor's in Computer Science, or Hardware engineering. You need  a Master's for Advancement, and a Doctoral for Research positions, be it Ph.D or Eng.D (I think I would strive for Eng.D).

Schools that Offer these Programs.

  1. BCIT 
  2. UBC
  3. UFV
  4. UVic
  5. SFU
  6. CAPU
  7. UAlberta
  8. UToronto
  9. U California
  10. MIT
There is a difference between a Job and a Career. A job is generally short term, only used to get money, ultimately helping you get a career. A Career is a long term pursuit of a lifelong ambition. Usually whatever you have a passion for will become your career, whether or not it pays more than a job. The two most likely candidates that I want to work for for either of my careers, is either Microsoft, or maybe even google. My career is very important because it will help evolve the technological infrastructures, and other technological advancements. Like finding a different way to use fuel so we can veer away from fossil fuels. There is a need in my career. The Job outlook for computer Hardware Engineering is even expected to increase by 7% in between 2012, and 2022.

The Median pay for Software Engineers is &78084 USD. While Hardware Engineering is $140250 USD. 

The First thing I would buy, is probably a way to better my education. I don't know why, but I just want my education to be the best it can be. 

Using this tool, I was able to calculate my living costs. 

If I were to work for Microsoft, I would live in Seattle, with a living cost of approximately $6023 USD a month. I could also live there if I were to work at the Google Seattle Location. And that would be enough to live there, I think. That would be more than enough money to suit my lifestyle, I think. Most of the stuff I want would be easily attainable, and have no plans of living in a humongous house, so I should be fine.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

3D Printing Keychains

For my two keychains, I did the Star Wars logo, because I think it looks really cool, and also because starwars is pretty great. Here is my modeling work, I think I did a pretty good job, so I got that going for me.

For my second keychain idea, I did the Triforce from the Legend of Zelda video game series. I made it so the inside of the triangles are actually lower than the borders of the triangles. The Legend of Zelda is my all time favourite video game series.

and as much as I would like to do this one, I think the Star Wars logo would be much better, and also the star wars logo I would have to paint, I would only have to sand it a little bit.

Here you can see the final version of my keychain.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

3D Printer Questions

The 6 different types of 3D printers are:

1. Stereolithography (SLA)
2. Digital Light Processing (DLP)
3. Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)
4. Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
5. Selective Laser Melting (SLM)\
6. Electric Beam Melting (EBM)

The Maker Bot 3D printer the school has is Fused deposition modeling 3D printer. It works by laying down a certain material in layers. The material it ejects from its nozzle is most commonly  a type of metal, or a plastic filament. The type of material our 3D printer uses is just a plastic filament.

You can't have one single definitive average printing time for a desktop 3D printer. Many factors can change the speed, factors such as the resolution you are printing, what material you are using, the heat you are using, and the size of the object. even the complexity of the object you are printing can change the time it will take your printer to print your object.

A 3D printer can be used for many different things, such as:
1. Replication
2. Prototyping
3. Medical Uses
4. Printing Robotic Components
5. Recreation

In the scientific community, 3D printing has been used for many, many different applications. I think the most astounding that I know about it probably 3D printing prosthetics. Effectively making them cheaper to manufacture, and in turn, making them cheaper to buy for people in need of artificial prosthetics. It has also been used for human enhancements, like leg extensions to make you run much faster. It has also been used to print robotic pieces, and even using stem cells it has been used to 3D print human organs that can, and eventually will be used for organ transplants.

6 3D printed keychain ideas that I think would be interesting:

A Batarang

The Star Wars logo

The Captain America Shield

Triforce from The Legend of Zelda series
Agents of Shield Logo
Deadpool Logo

Monday, May 30, 2016

House Exterior

Here I have my house. I do not quite have the real life picture, as I have not been staying at my house for the past little while. But I will go back soon to take pictures so you can get an understanding of it as well. But you must believe me for the time being when I say it is very accurate, if I do say so myself. I do live there after all! But soon enough, I will have pictures.

Front, and right side.

Back, and right side.